Chris Johnson Bio

SecurityAfter more than a decade, during which time I worked as a cyber security consultant and ran a Managed Services company, I am returning to where I got my start in technology.  I have led cybersecurity initiatives for companies on the Inc. 500 and worked with many businesses large and small all over the United States in need of IT services.


It is both a privilege and an honor that I find myself back in the education space where I can support and deliver technology services that enable our teachers and staff to prepare the minds of future generations.


In my spare time I like to mix live music for Front of House (FOH). Soundboard


If you have questions or concerns about Technology as it pertains to the school district or your child’s use of the provided technology, please don’t hesitate to reach out.  If you see me out and about in the community, introduce yourself.  I love to meet new people and while we don’t have to discuss the latest in technology it is always a good icebreaker with me.