About MP Preschool

Little Panthers Preschool
Registration for the 2024 - 2025 Preschool Class is NOW OPEN!  Preschool for Fall 2024 starts on Tuesday, September 3.
Your child must be 4 years old on or before September 15, 2024, to be eligible. 
Once we have received your application, we will reserve a spot for your child in a session. We try to honor requests for AM or PM sessions, but cannot guarantee it. Teachers will be in contact with parents in August with details.
If you have any questions, please direct them to: 
Cindy Smith at the District Office: 
(319)385-7750 Ext. 6 or email: [email protected]
Little Panthers- Harlan Elementary School
4 year old Preschool Program
4 year olds
Monday - Thursday
Monday - Thursday

Classes meet at Harlan Elementary School
1001 North Main Street
Mt Pleasant, IA 52641
Jolyne Crossett
Kim Ferry
Kendayl Gillespie
Amanda Gillispie
Laura Wilson
Volunteer Options
MPCSD School District does invite the community to volunteer in our programs.  In order to be eligible for volunteering, you must contact the building principal and have a completed background check conducted by the school.  
Feedback on Preschool Programming
As family and school partners, Little Panthers Preschool welcomes feedback on our program.  The ways to provide feedback on your child's experience are as follows:
1.  In writing to your child's teacher
2.  During home visits and conferences
3. By utilizing this Google Form as a formal feedback survey (this form will be sent home during the last quarter of the school year.