Policy 706: Insurance Program

706.1 Insurance Program
The Board of Directors shall maintain a comprehensive insurance program that will provide adequate coverage in the event of loss or damage of the school buildings and equipment.

A private appraisal agency may be retained upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools for inventory and appraisal value services to enable the Board of Directors to maintain a comprehensive insurance program.

Legal Reference: (Code of Iowa) Chapter 279.25

Date of Adoption: November 12, 1974; Nov. 12, 2018; Nov. 8, 2021

Reviewed: April 13, 1992; Dec.  14, 1998; May 14, 2001; Feb. 14, 2006; Jan. 10, 2011; March 9, 2015


706.2 Periodic Review of Insurance Program
The Board of Directors shall review the insurance program of the School District periodically to insure adequate coverage of the program. Such review may be annually but such review must be made within every three-year period.

The Superintendent of Schools, after consultation with other administrative personnel, the School District's appraisal agency, and the School District's insurance agency, shall provide the data and shall make recommendations concerning the School District's program of insurance.

Date of Adoption: November 12, 1974

Reviewed: April 13, 1992; Dec. 14, 1998; May 14, 2001; Feb. 14, 2006; Jan. 10, 2011; March 9, 2015; Nov. 12, 2018; Nov. 8, 2021



706.3 Personal Property Located in School Facilities Owned by the MPSCD
Employees of the District occasionally bring items of personal property to their place of work for their convenience and/or to be used in fulfilling their duties as a district employee.

District employees are permitted to bring and store items of personal property in their place of work, strictly upon the condition that the District, and its agents, employees and contractors, shall not in any way be liable or responsible to the employee, or any other person, for any damage, theft or loss or any other injury to such property, including any damage, loss or injury from any cause whatsoever, including the District’s own negligence.

Further, the District shall have no responsibility for insuring an employee’s property. Employees shall be solely responsible for maintaining their own insurance coverage on any personal property located at a District facility. In the event that the employee’s work location is changed, the employee shall be responsible to move his or her own personal property. If the District or its agents or contractors moves such personal property for the employee as a convenience, any damage, theft, loss, or other injury to such property shall not be the District’s responsibility, and the employee shall bear the full responsibility therefore.

Date of Adoption: June 14, 2004

Reviewed: Feb. 14, 2006; Jan. 10, 2011; March 9, 2015; Nov. 12, 2018; Nov. 8, 2021
